About TTnH
TTnH (Tiomanai Tacsai na hEireann) is a voluntary group representing full time Taxi Drivers. The company was formed in April 2010 to effect change in the Taxi industry. TTnH is a democratic organisation with a committee elected each year by its members at the annual general meeting.
TTnH is committed to building an organisation that puts its members interests at the core of the decision making process.
This commitment will ensure that all decisions affecting full time drivers will happen on a consultative basis. To this end TTnH hold regular meetings and inform their members of any updates by a texting system and by notices on Taxi ranks.
TTnH also hold regular meetings with the subcommittee at which matters raised at local level are discussed. These meetings are also open to all TTnH members to raise any issue of concern.

Our Key Objectives
- A proper and meaningful negotiation process with the Department of Transport and the N.T.A.
- An independent appeals process for any decision taken by the NTA affecting full time Taxi Drivers.
- An end to double jobbing (in and industry which is oversupplied TTnH do not believe there is a need for P.A.Y.E. workers in our industry).
- Stamping out illegal activities by real enforcement. Not enforcement that penalises full time Taxi Drivers trying to operate legally.
- The Taxi Advisory Committee needs to be overhauled putting drivers in a negotiating position as opposed to an advisory role.
- TTnH believe the Taxi industry is an integral part of the National Transport System and as Taxis are the only 24/7 door to door transport service should be included in all decision making processes regarding public transport.
The current committee members are:
- David McGuinness – Chairperson
- Alan Brennan – Secretary
- David Franzoni – Treasurer
- Derek Moran – Airport
- Philip Kavanagh – Airport/finance